TIS Library Resources
Discover what resources are where in our online catalog. Don’t see what you want?
Download the App! (Login: TISNM)
One-stop shop for classroom inquiry, on-line research, and recreational reading. Download & checkout eBooks, watch videos, explore & learn something new. Build your own backpack!
Login: TISNM (Then create your own with your TISNM email to save your faves.)
El Portal a collection of proprietary databases for all levels of research. You’ll find newspapers, videos, articles, encyclopedias, online tutoring, job help, & more!
No login is necessary if you are in New Mexico.

Online Learning and Online Tutoring
brainfuse HelpNow
Homework HelpNow provides students with FREE live online tutoring and homework help for most subjects in English and Spanish from 2pm – 11pm, with licensed NM Teachers. Also includes 24/7 access to interactive practice tests, academic games and skills assessments, Create a login to connect with a tutor. JobNow provides career resources, resume and interview help.
brainfuse JobNow
Brainfuse Online Tutoring program called JobNow provides career resources, resume and interview help. JobNow provides you with practical tools to help you get a job.
Connect with live coaches to help you formulate responses to common questions through an online mock interview.
Libraries transform the classroom! Collaborating with your Librarian has proven to strengthen the breadth and impact of lessons. You can arrange for reference appointments to build resource kits for any unit, reserve the library for inquiry sessions or break off into focused groups, or come in to brainstorm ideas with a colleague. Check out our IB unit-specific resources, Professional Development collection, classroom reading sets, eBooks and unit specific on-line collections in MackinVia. The library also offers an interlibrary loan service for articles and books not available at TIS.
If you can’t find it on the website, please contact us – We are here for You!
Our public library network has millions of titles available to you in every format. We can request any item to be picked up at the library nearest you. Their librarians are awesome too!
Free Tutoring & Homework Help
FREE live online tutoring and homework help for most subjects in English or Spanish from 2pm – 11pm, with licensed NM Teachers. Also includes 24/7 access to practice tests and study tools. Make your own login to connect with the tutors.
Find what you want in a library near you with WorldCat, a global catalog of library collections.
Because Libraries are a global community of information, we can access resources in other countries. We can access every library. We’ll bring the books here for you to use. These links search the library catalogs near and far. No Boundaries! Ask Your Librarian … a special web application has been designed with smart phones and tablets in mind