What is a Charter School?
A Charter School is a publicly funded independent school established by teachers, parents, or community groups under the terms of a charter with a local or national authority.
Overview of Educational Philosophy
All children, regardless of personal circumstance, are entitled to a meaningful, contemporary education that prepares them not only for the world that is, but also for the world that will be. In practical terms, this translates to an academic program that is rich, relevant, challenging, and international in its scope, content, standards, and benchmarks.
TIS believes the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary and Middle Years Programs (PYP & MYP) is the best academic program to fulfill the school’s vision and goals. The PYP and MYP are based on the most current educational research, promote the most appropriate pedagogical strategies, draw together the best classroom practices from around the world, and offer internationally recognized standards, benchmarks, and criterion-referenced assessments. A value-added benefit for students who participate in the International Baccalaureate program is the immediate connection with thousands of other students in classrooms around the world, representing diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives. The richness and global context that IB program brings to New Mexico students gets right to the heart of our mission and vision.
The International School at Mesa del Sol Mission & Vision
Our mission is to empower students within an inclusive environment that fosters authentic experiences. In our culture of community, we promote academic responsibility and student agency with purposeful social connections.
Our approach is to lead students to develop a global vision and sense of citizenship to enhance, preserve, and contribute to their communities.
We are committed to inspire collaborative, creative, and critical thinkers who embrace learning and actively apply knowledge that leads to innovative contributions.
We encourage compassionate, empathetic and resilient students who have the opportunity to lead the world around them through service learning and understanding various perspectives.
We believe that our students have the capability to transfer holistic experiences while expanding their individual voice within local and global perceptions.
We celebrate the diversity of our school community which aims to allow international mindedness that is reflective of our commitment to growth as a life- long learner.