About Us
The International School at Mesa Del Sol is a PreK-12th grade public charter school located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our charter is granted by the Albuquerque Public School District to teach the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. TIS is an IB Certified World School for the Primary Years Programme (K-5) and offers grades 6 - 12, including a middle school 6-8 and High School 9-12. TIS has expanded by adding a grade level since its establishment in 2009 and had its first graduating class in 2018. TIS began as a state-authorized charter school until 2017, when it reauthorized its charter with the Albuquerque Public School District (APS).
The International School at Mesa del Sol is an authorized IB World School for its Primary Years Programme (K-5) and Middle Years Programme.
As an IB world school, TIS shares the core belief that all children should have access to a comprehensive educational program regardless of personal circumstance.
Our mission is to empower students within an inclusive environment that fosters authentic experiences. In our culture of community, we promote academic responsibility and student agency with purposeful social connections.
Our approach is to lead students to develop a global vision and sense of citizenship to enhance, preserve, and contribute to their communities.
We are committed to inspiring collaborative, creative, and critical thinkers who embrace learning and actively apply knowledge that leads to innovative contributions.
We encourage compassionate, empathetic, and resilient students who have the opportunity to lead the world around them through service learning and understanding various perspectives.
We believe that our students have the capability to incorporate holistic experiences while expanding their individual voice within local and global perceptions.
We celebrate the diversity of our school community, which aims to allow international mindedness that is reflective of our commitment to growth as a life-long learner.
What makes TIS so special?
International Baccalaureate(IB) Curriculum (www.ibo.org)
IB-trained teachers
Spanish language, Music, Art, and PE classes are taught at all grade levels.
Middle/High School Performing Arts and Fine Arts programs and Foreign Language taken EVERY year.
Hands-on Inquiry-based learning
Thinking Maps ®
Small class size for individual attention and differentiated instruction
Full-time reading specialists