Service Learning
The International School at Mesa del Sol is an authorized IB World School for its Primary Years Programme and IB Middle Years Programme.
For additional information about IB World Schools, please visit ibo.org
Service as action (community service). Action (learning by doing and experiencing) and service have always been shared values of the IB community. Students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service — making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Service as action is an integral part of the programme, especially in the MYP community project.
MYP Service Learning Plan at the International School at Mesa Del Sol
System for monitoring involvement in student service learning.
Long Term Goals:
To have as many students involved in service learning as possible.
To use collaboration skills when trying to action for change.
To provide opportunities for leadership.
To increase integration of service learning into our curriculum.
1.Direct service: Student interaction involves people, the environment or animals.
2. Indirect service: Though students do not see the recipients of indirect service, they have verified their actions will benefit the community or environment.
3. Advocacy: Students speak on behalf of a cause or concern to promote action on an issue.
4. Research: Students collect information through varied sources, analyse data, and report on a topic of importance to influence policy or practice.
Short Term Goals:
To feel empathy with peers and the school community.
To make small scale changes by taking action.
To self reflect and develop new skills to take action or provide service learning.
To inform others with confidence and engage in a discussion.
To develop International Mindedness
To evaluate outcomes.
To share our service learning with our community.
Service Learning in the MYP at The International School at Mesa Del Sol
Year 3: Advisory, Curriculum integration and Community Project
Year 2: Advisory (Yearbook) and Curriculum Integration
Year 1: Advisory (Yearbook) and Curriculum Integration
Aim to have students choose a personal goal and outcome which they can reflect in their advisory program.
There are seven outcomes prescribed by the IB.
1. Awareness: Become more aware of your strengths and areas for growth
2. New skills: Undertake challenges that develop new skills
3. Initiative: Discuss, plan and evaluate student-initiated activities
4. Commitment: Persevere in action
5. Collaboration: Work collaboratively with others
6. Global value: Develop international mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism, and intercultural understanding
7. Ethics: Consider the ethical implications of your actions.
Service Learning Requirements:
Students participate in a service learning experience at least once in all subject areas.
Students try to participate in one social club.
Students take part in school promoted service projects.
Students reflect on their goal and learning outcome.
Evidence in advisory google classroom of goal.
Advisory lesson plans and student evidence in google classrooms.
Community Project Booklet and Exhibition.
Newsletters - Sharing with the community.
References: www.ibo.org “MYP:From principles into practice”.
Advisory is a class where students can work in a smaller environment. We cover a range of skills, topics and logistics in this class. A main focus this year is International Mindedness, this can be approached in many ways such as values, celebrations, service learning, school issues and issues that are beyond the classroom.
This first month at school in advisory we have been focusing our ATL skills on Self-Management: Keep an organized and logical system of information. With the use of our school agendas we are working on time management and organizational skills.
A strong focus in advisory has been exploring our new Mission Statement. The students have had the opportunity to look at examples, evaluate their own actions and beliefs. The students took this opportunity to create their own mission statement and present it to their advisory group. I have included some examples of the open minded and reflective ideas.
For more information about the IB programme please visit www.IBO.org
Community Project
The community project encourages students to explore their right and responsibility to implement service as action in the community. Students may complete the community project individually or in small groups.MYP projects provide students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the MYP. In schools that include MYP year 3 or 4, students must complete the community project.
Community Project:
The community project is your chance to develop your community. It is a product of your own initiative and should reflect your experience of the MYP. It is a way to demonstrate the skills you have developed in approaches to learning and to show your understanding of the global contexts.
It consists of three main components: • Focus on service as action
• Process Journal
• Presentation
1.Participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry within a global context.
2. Generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation.
3. Demonstrate the skills,
attitudes and knowledge
required to complete a
project over an extended period of time.
4. communicate effectively in a variety of situations.
5. Demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of, learning.
6. Appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments.
Objective A: Investigating Students should:
define a goal to address a need within a community, based on personal interests
identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project
demonstrate research skills.
Objective B: Planning Students should:
develop a proposal for action to serve the need in the community
plan and record the development process of the project
demonstrate self-management skills.
Objective C: Taking action Students should:
demonstrate service as action as a result of the project
demonstrate thinking skills
demonstrate communication and social skills.
Objective D: Reflecting Students should:
valuate the quality of the service as action against the proposal
reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of service learning
reflect on their development of ATL skills.