Join our team! To find out more information please contact foundation@tisnm.org
Who We Are
The 501c3 Foundation/Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of parents, staff members, and community members committed to promoting interaction among families, teachers, and community partners to build the TIS community. We provide information to parents, organize fun community events, and help to coordinate volunteer efforts around the school. As fellow TIS parents, we can also serve as a resource to answer questions or identify the right school resource.
The International School at Mesa del Sol depends on significant parent involvement to make our school one of the best schools in Albuquerque. Each family is expected to commit to 20 hours per year of volunteer service to the school. The volunteer activities at the school are coordinated by the Foundation/Parent Advisory Committee.
The committee is open to all members of the TIS community and meets once a month. Foundation/PAC Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month on Zoom at 4:30 pm. Each meeting has a presentation topic to inform parents about the school and to provide resources to help our students and families.
To contact the Foundation/PAC
Email: foundation@tisnm.org
Foundation/PAC-Funded Events
Recycle Bins and School Buses
Teacher Supplies ($150 Reimbursements)
Monsters on the Mesa
Classroom Software Subscriptions and Art Class Supplies
School Dance and Field Day
The Exhibition, Science Fair, and the Talent Show
Additional Fieldtrips and in-house presentations
Sponsorship to help students attend events
Fun Friday: Fun Friday is a fun afternoon for students and families put on by The Foundation & Student Council.
Monsters On The Mesa: Our main fundraiser of the year is a Halloween-themed event that also includes a fall festival with fun activities, trick-or-treating, and a costume contest.
Foundation/PAC Meetings
Time: 4:30 PM Mountain Time
Meetings occur on the Third Tuesday of the Month
Meeting ID: 895 7341 1770
Passcode: TISNM
Volunteer at TIS
As part of our TIS community, each family is asked to give 20 hours of volunteer service each school year. Following is a list of volunteer opportunities at TIS. We appreciate our families and we couldn’t do this without you! Research shows that when parents are involved in school, their children have a better chance of being successful in academics and behavior. We always welcome and appreciate volunteers from our community. To sign up for volunteer opportunities, please email foundation@tisnm.org. or fill out the form below!
Como parte de nuestra comunidad TIS, se le pide a cada familia que brinde 20 horas de servicio voluntario cada año escolar. La siguiente es una lista de oportunidades de voluntariado en TIS. ¡Apreciamos a nuestras familias y no podríamos hacer esto sin ustedes! Las investigaciones muestran que cuando los padres participan en la escuela, sus hijos tienen más posibilidades de tener éxito académico y conductual.

Foundation/PAC-Supported Activities
Monsters On The Mesa:
Our main fundraiser of the year is Monsters on the Mesa, a Halloween-themed fall festival with fun activities, trick or treating, children’s fun run, and a costume contest.
Fun Friday:
Fun Friday is a fun afternoon for students and families put on by the PAC & Student Council that includes a climbing wall, face painting, a bouncy house, and many more activities to enjoy.
How You Can Help?
The more people we have helping, the more we can do for the school!
Foundation meetings and share your ideas
You may have family or friends who would like to help or have specialized skills that they could contribute
The foundation is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax deductible!