Dress Code
Students must arrive at school dressed according to the school’s dress code.
*If you need assistance obtaining school uniforms please complete this quick survey and a Social Worker will contact you as soon as possible!
Dress Code Policy
Students must arrive at school dressed according to the school’s dress code. Additionally, students are expected to be dressed appropriately for the weather and various school activities such as recess, PE, and field trips. Writing and/or logos/images that are sexually suggestive, violent, disrespectful, or racially inappropriate are not allowed on any article of clothing. Unless otherwise indicated, students should be dressed in the school’s dress code for field trips. Because TIS students participating in field trips represent our school, each other, and our community, it is expected that they dress accordingly. Failure to do so may result in loss of field trip attendance.
Guidelines and Expectations
Prohibited student dress is any dress that may present a health or safety hazard, violate municipal or state law, or present a potential disruption to the instructional program. Attire or accessories which advertise, display, or promote any drug, including alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect, and/or bigotry towards any group are not acceptable.
Tops: Students may wear short or long-sleeved t-shirts, button-up collared or polo shirts, turtlenecks, hoodies, or sweatshirts. Excessively tight or revealing shirts, crop or halter tops, midriff shirts, low-cut, spaghetti-strap, and/or off-the-shoulder blouses are not allowed. This means that no skin should be showing between the bottom of the shirt and the top of the pants/skirt at any time.
Bottoms: Students may wear jeans, khaki pants, cargo pants, slacks, or jogger pants (without holes and no sagging pants worn below the hip bone, without exposure of undergarments or skin), jumpers, shorts, sweatpants, skirts, or skorts as bottoms. Bottoms are an acceptable length only if they fall below the fingertip when the student’s arms are hanging relaxed at his/her side. Note: tights, leggings, or jeggings must be worn underneath a shirt, blouse, dress, skirt, jumper, shorts, or skort that appropriately covers the student’s bottom and ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AS STAND-ALONE PANTS!
Shoes: Students may wear shoes in any color. To guarantee safety for running and playing, all footwear must have closed toes and closed heels (no slides, flip-flops, or slippers).
Outdoor/cold weather clothing: Students are expected to be dressed appropriately for the weather. Clothing that is worn outdoors (e.g., jackets, sweatshirts, hoodies, coats, hats, etc.) may be in any color and may include a design/logo that is appropriate for school. Hoods from hoodies should not be worn on the head while in class.
Hair should not distract from the learning process. Hairstyles deemed distracting to the learning process include (but are not limited to) mohawks or spiked styles designed to draw unnecessary attention to the student. School administration has final authority over determining the appropriateness of hairstyles. TIS shall not discriminate against a student, discipline a student, or impose disparate treatment of a student because of a student’s race, religion, or culture or because of a student’s use of protective hairstyles or cultural or religious headdresses, as defined in New Mexico statute, NMSA 1978 §22-8B-4(U).
No bandanas are allowed on campus.
No undergarments should be seen at any time. This includes bra straps and underwear.
Pant sagging is not allowed. Clothing must be worn at waist level, at or above the hips.
Writing and/or images that are sexually suggestive, violent, disrespectful, or racially inappropriate are not allowed on any article of clothing. Furthermore, the symbolism of drugs, gangs, tobacco, or alcohol on any garment is also prohibited.
Length: The minimum length of shorts and skirts should be 5 inches above the top of your kneecap.
Loungewear including, but not limited to, blankets, pajamas, and/or sleepwear are for lounging and sleeping and are not appropriate for school.
Consequences. Students may be removed from class and be required to obtain appropriate dress before being allowed to return. Repeated violations of the student dress guidelines may result in additional consequences.