TIS Governing Council
The TIS Governing Council (School Board) makes policy decisions concerning the school and interviews and hires the Head of School for his/her position. The members of the governing council operate according to its bylaws, the council members are volunteers who oversee the operation of the school and ensure that TIS’s charter’s goals and missions are carried out.
Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom (unless otherwise indicated) and often, other meetings are convened to discuss school business.
Notices of the TIS Governing Council meetings will be posted on the website, at the school and/or advertised in the Albuquerque Journal.
Parents and other community members who are interested in serving on the TIS Governing Council should contact a Governing Council Member.
All parents are encouraged to attend TIS Governing Council meetings as a way to keep informed about our school. Often committees are formed to carry out specific functions and parent and community participation are encouraged.

Governing Council Members & Emails
Lt. Col. Carey Eichhorst, USAF Ret., President
Mrs. Leann Jenkins, Secretary
Mr. Angelo Martinez, Treasurer
Governing Council Meeting
Join Us!
Next Governing Council Special Meeting: 3-27-25 Time: 5:30 pm
Regular Meeting – 5:30 PM
Join our Zoom Meeting

Governing Council Documents
Governing Council Meeting Agenda
Governing Council Special Meeting Agenda
Governing Council Meeting Minutes
Governing Council Special Meeting Minutes
2020 GC Procedural Handbook
GC Bylaws - Update 9-24-2020
Governing Council topics
GC Policies - Updated February 20, 2025

Financial Reports
Governing Council Meeting Recorded Zoom Sessions
2019 - 2020 PAST Governing Council Meeting Minutes & Agenda
Past GC Meeting Minutes
Past GC Meeting Agenda
Past GC Special Meeting Minutes
Past GC Special Meeting Agenda

Sunshine Portal
The Sunshine Portal is the official transparency and accountability portal for New Mexico state government. This is your window into government spending, budgets, revenues, employees, contracts and more.