
The International School at Mesa del Sol is an authorized IB World School for its Primary Years Programme and Middle Years Programme.


Registering New and Returning Students

We are now accepting applications for our 2025-2026 School year!

TIS admissions are done by a lottery process, followed by ongoing rolling admissions. Once all slots are filled, students are placed on waiting lists until a placement is available.

Returning students do not need to fill out these forms. Intent to return forms will be sent home in April.

We are now accepting applications for our 2024-2025 School year. Please share this information with friends and family. We will have our lottery drawing on April 10, 2024. All Lottery applications need to be in by March 31st, 2024

For more information about our school, please attend our open house, 6th grade preview day or Kinder preview day: TBD

Continuing Enrollment

Intent to Return forms will be sent home in March.

  • The Intent to Return form is one page submitted to hold a spot for the following year and allow TIS to plan to best serve students.

  • Currently, enrolled students are guaranteed a place for the following year.

  • Returning families have to verify current information and fill out the few forms that are required annually.


Registration Process

Students will be accepted for registration either through the lottery or on a first-come-first-serve basis if there are more openings than student applications.
Students accepted for admission must confirm enrollment in writing within 30 days. This date will be indicated on the written notification of admission sent to each student. Students who do not confirm their enrollment by the date and time indicated in the written notification will be removed from the admission list and placed at the end of the waiting list.

Parents or guardians of potential students are responsible for maintaining up-to-date information on the enrollment application, and are responsible for notifying the school, in writing, of any changes in address, telephone number, or other contact information. TIS is not responsible for maintaining contact information with, or continuing a search for, an applicant who cannot be contacted within a reasonable time period and by reasonable effort. If TIS is unable to contact an applicant to either confirm enrollment or to notify the applicant that he or she is to be moved from the waiting list to the admissions list, then the applicant may be dropped from both lists.
Applicants who have been selected by the lottery process and confirmed their enrollment by the specified date will be invited to participate in an informational meeting.
If your child is a new student, please come to one of these to make sure you have all your paper work in and get some great information.
If you did not fill out the paper work, you can do so at one of the registration events listed above.

*We will send home lunch applications, walking field trip and technology agreement forms on the first day of school.


Application Process

TIS will announce the opportunity to apply for enrollment in January and February by advertising on the school’s website, in the newspaper as well as through flyers that are distributed through outreach efforts to pueblos, youth development organizations, neighborhood organizations that provide services to youth, and student academic associations. These announcements will be provided in both English and Spanish.

Applications for enrollment will be accepted until the end of March of each year and be ongoing thereafter.
As the applications for enrollment arrive, the form is kept in the lottery box.


Lottery Process

A lottery will be advertised to the public in the newsletter, website and distribution of flyers.

A school official such as the School Director, registrar or a designee will draw numbers for the lottery. The corresponding names will be listed in the order that they are drawn. All names will be drawn and listed in the order of the drawing on the appropriate grade level roster. After student openings are filled, all others will be put on a waiting list according to the order of their drawing.

Students will be notified of their status via a email.