“Empowering students to make a difference”

Global Vision, Knowledge, Stewardship, Diversity, Citizenship
School Announcements
  • 3/3 - 3/7 - Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 - 4:00

  • 3/7 - International Day - 2:00 - 4:00

  • 3/17 - 3/21 - Spring Break - No School

  • 3/27 Governing Council Meeting at 5:30

  • 4/11 - STEAM Night from 3:00 - 5:00

  • 4/15 - Foundation/PAC Meeting at 5:10

  • 4/17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School

  • 4/18 - Vernal Holiday - No School

  • 4/21 - Teacher In-Service - No School

  • 5/9 - Volunteer Dinner - TBD

  • 5/16 - High School Graduation

  • 5/20 - Foundation/PAC Meeting at 5:10

  • 5/26 - Memorial Day - No School

  • 5/30 - Last Day of School - Half Day

Subscribe to our newsletter

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Phone: (505) 508.3295 Email: info@tisnm.org

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ParentVue & StudentVue

ParentVUE and StudentVUE are the APS student information systems that give parents and students secure, private access to school and student information.

Use ParentVUE/StudentVUE for school registration and to check grades, assignments, attendance, calendars, teacher contact information, and more.

ParentVUE/StudentVUE Features

ParentVUE isn't just for student registration. As many of our parents and guardians already know, it's a great tool to check grades, assignments, attendance, calendars, teacher contact information, and more!

  • ParentVUE/StudentVUE is available in English and Spanish.

  • Students can sign up for StudentVUE to check grades, assignments, attendance, calendars, and teacher contact information.

  • Families who have more than one student in APS can access all student information using their ParentVUE username and password. You only need one ParentVUE account for all APS students in your home.

  • Update your information anytime (child's address, phone number, email address, and emergency contacts) by logging into ParentVUE.

  • ParentVUE/StudentVUE offers secure, private access to school and student information, including assignments, grades, attendance, school calendar, and teacher contact details.

Please visit the APS ParentVue/StudentVue Information page for additional help.

ParentVUE App

Download the free ParentVUE app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

TIS Scrip: use Scrip & Save

Buy gift cards (physical or ecards) for things you use; 

Gas, groceries, shopping, restaurants, home improvements

Earn rebates based on the store, the store kicks back a percent of the purchase to the school, at no extra cost to you!

Rebates earned will go towards the suggested volunteering hours/fee of 20 hrs/$250 per family.

Reports will be run in December and May to let families know their earnings.

Rebates can be earned by other people (Grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.). 

To get started: 

  1. Go to www.raiseright.com or download the RaiseRight app from the app store. 

  2. Create an account, use the enrollment code: 2ACGKN2CS75X  Or use this Enrollment link

  3. Start earning rebates for TIS!

To get started or for questions, contact: Jessica Kennelly, Scrip Coordinator tis.pac@tisnm.org

Volunteers Needed!

As part of our TIS community, each family is asked to give 20 hours of volunteer service each school year. Following is a list of volunteer opportunities at TIS. We appreciate our families and we couldn’t do this without you! Research shows that when parents are involved at school, their children have a better chance of being successful in academics and behavior.

Como parte de nuestra comunidad TIS, se le pide a cada familia que brinde 20 horas de servicio voluntario cada año escolar. La siguiente es una lista de oportunidades de voluntariado en TIS. ¡Apreciamos a nuestras familias y no podríamos hacer esto sin ustedes! Las investigaciones muestran que cuando los padres participan en la escuela, sus hijos tienen más posibilidades de tener éxito académico y conductual.

Before Care & After Care Program

Rio Grande Educational Collaborative Program (RGEC)

Afterschool and before Care Program:

Please fill out this application to receive free childcare with RGEC for the before-care and after-school care program.


Link to complete the application online: 


or you may print it by clicking on one of the buttons below.

You must complete this application prior to registering your child in the RGEC program.

For more information about RGEC please visit: https://rgec.org/


Tours & Open House

Learn about our school, curriculum and meet the teachers. Open to all, no registration is required.

Experience school at TIS and the International Baccalaureate curriculum first-hand.


Calendar & Schedule

View or download our school calendar to stay updated on all the important dates, schedules, parent, teacher and student conferences.


Lottery Application

Our Enrollment Lottery will be held at the beginning of April. We will notify parents by email of the results, within one week of the drawing.

You must respond within 30 days of the email by returning the intent to enroll form, included in the email, to guarantee your child’s seat.


Registration Information

We are now accepting applications for our 2020-2021 School year. TIS admissions are done by a lottery process, followed by ongoing rolling admissions.

Once all slots are filled, students are placed on waiting lists until a placement is available.



Need some additional support from our Social Work Team?

Please click on the button below to fill out a QUICK survey and someone from our Social Work Team will reach out to help support your student and family’s needs!

Feel free to fill out this survey throughout the year as needs arise! Thank you!

The International School at Mesa del Sol is a PreK-12th grade public charter school in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Our charter is granted by the Albuquerque Public School District to teach the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. TIS is an IB Certified World School for its Primary Years Programme (K-5) and Middle Years Programme (6-8).

If you have questions / issues about the additional P-EBT funds from the state, please call the HSD Income support for families hotline at 1-800-843-8303.  All funds are being distributed by the Health Services Department, not the school, APS or PED.