Meal Services for Students

Beginning in 2023-24, TIS shall provide a hot lunch to all students, regardless of enrollment in the above program. Senate Bill 4 established the Healthy Hunger-Free Students Bill of Rights Act which ensures that all K-12 students have free-of-cost breakfasts and lunches beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Monthly lunch calendars are available in the office and on our website. TIS recognizes its responsibility to offer appropriate food service to its students during the school day. While TIS holds a contract with its food service provider (Canteen), it does so on behalf of the students who attend TIS, and without intent or method to derive a profit.


*PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, with hot meals being provided free-of-cost to all students, microwaves will no longer be available in the MPR for warming up lunches. Families sending students to school with a packed home lunch should consider options that do not require any cooking, heating, or warming.

Breakfast & Lunch Program